Save Bob !
Title screen
Death on ground
Death in water
professional project
Save Bob ! is an infinite Frogger-like mobile game on iOS developped by Triplefun.
You play a cartoon style red lobster who's trying to escape a kitchen.
It's a full one touch control game : you can slide your character laterally, and tap to go forward.
The game's goal is to go as far as possible over the various lanes, that alternates between solid floor and hot water. Each safe lane represents an additional point for the player.
The game involves classic frogger gameplay elements, such as static and moving obstacles the player must avoid to go on.
- Comprehend Unity game engine and C# language
- Mobile touch management (character control)
- GUI (interaction, display, update, animation)
- Procedural level building system (lanes creation and display, scrolling, camera)
- Scenes management (loading, transition)
- Gameplay logic (local saving, score update)
- Social connect (Facebook/Twitter/... new best score share, Game Center update and achievements)
- in-app purchases
- General optimization (preload, pool handling, ...)

TED (cancelled)↑
Building overview
Attack overview
Attack details
Magic factory
Stones delivery
Gameplay 01
Gameplay 02
Krisgard ↑
The logo
Loading screen
Exploration - desert
Exploration - desert
Exploration - country
Exploration - country
Arena - 3 vs 3
Avatar customization
Monsterpedia - index
Monsterpedia - monsters
Monsterpedia - techniques
Build popup
Boosts popup
Tool - NPC avatars
Tool - Battle NPCs
Tool - Skin colors
Tool - Dialogs
professional project
Krisgard is an real-time massively multiplayer online game on Facebook developped by Qozmo.
It involves monsters fights between players and the environment or other players.
From the exploration phase, you can talk to the many non-playable characters and get quests from them. You can also meet and capture a lot of monsters spread out in the world of Krisgard.
From the camp phase, you can buy buildings and decorations, buy monsters, then manage, upgrade and evolve them, get informations about them, and customize your avatar.
The game also allows the players to interact with each others via the in-game chat, the friend invitations system, the private messages, the fight proposals, and the arenas (matchmaking, up to 3 versus 3).
- Open Graph, app requests and posts for Facebook (management, integration)
- tutorial (mechanics, logic, display, steps management)
- constraints system (quests, objectives, dialogs, upgrades, tutorial steps)
- dialogs (management, display, multiple choices and buyable choices)
- avatars (assets loading, customization, animation display and management)
- in-game statistics system
- lists' data controller component (sorting, filtering, modifications) and tile lists' displayer component (display, interaction, navigation)
- UI : construction, purchases, avatars, quests, chat, cursors, monsters encyclopedia, friends list, mode changing... (display, interaction, mechanics)
- NPC markers (pre-computing in the tool, display, refresh)
- quests (management, display, mechanics)
- tools for NPCs, avatars, dialogs, buyable choices, avatars animation, tutorial steps and notifications

First rank
The Cursed Crusade ↑
Title screen
Gameplay - combo
Gameplay - assault
Gameplay - cooperation
Gameplay - tutorial
Cinematics - the Curse
Menus - skills
Menus - techniques
Menus - lobby
professional project
The Cursed Crusade is a third person action-adventure game developped by Kylotonn.
It offers a campaign playable in solo, local coop and online coop.
It's available on Xbox 360, but also on PlayStation® 3 and PC via Steam.
The player can master over 130 destructible weapons (axes, swords, claymores, crossbows, shields, bows, lances etc.)
offering many combos for each combination (simple/double weapons, one different in each hand, two-handed, etc.),
and 90 finish moves.
The game also introduces The Curse, a berserk mode where the player is stronger and the world devastated.
- profiles default values recovery and application
- profiles data recovery for the lobby
- Rich Presence update
- Achievements management
- profiles deconnection management
- Invitations management for online gaming
- lobby exclusion
- online players synchronization (save game, cinematics)
- miscellaneous network optimisation
- levels' end behaviour;
- submission versions creation (CD images)
- miscellaneous debug : menu options refresh, message boxes priorities, game pause, sounds serialization...

The Curse
Team Bowl ↑
student project
Team Bowl is a ball sport PC game based on the Unreal Engine 3. It was created with the Unreal Developpement Kit and custom UnrealScript classes.
Each team is composed of members of different types (speedster, tank or balanced), who can be attacked or attack others (if he hasn't the ball).
- grid-based pathfinding
- behaviour finish states machines for each team member type
- camera control (keyboard)
- player selection and control (mouse)
- 3D cursors modeling

Dragon Age custom AI ↑
Action - Help
Action - Support
Dragon Age Toolkit - Scene
student project
Dragon Age Origins is a action-adventure PC game including RPG elements in its gameplay, developped by Bioware. Mods can be created for this game using the Dragon Age Toolkit.
This project's purpose was about making two factions fighting with a custom AI, using NWScript.
- scene creation with the Dragon Age Toolkit
- behaviour finish states machines for each character type chosen : melee (knight), range (archer), support (mage)

Full report (fr)
3D sound emulation
3D scene rendering and collisions
student project
This project's purpose was about comprehending 3D rendering, inputs management, collisions handling and 3D sound emulation on the PlayStation® Portable device, using the PSPGU library.
- scene loading
- scene rendering (textures loading, objects setting)
- sound signal setting : sine, square, triangle
- 3D sound emulation (signal frequence, general volume variation and left/right volume balance on source distance changing)